Cayman, Downtown Atlanta Missionary!

Oh Atlanta you were beary interesting, beary interesting indeed!

Last week we were in Atlanta, Georgia and wow I bearly know where to start explaining what we did.  I think I’ll keep it bearly simple this time because my typist says that her editor says that sometimes I get way too excited when I started explaining what’s been going on.  But bearily I say to you that’s sometimes it’s hard to cut it short when I see all the amazing things my God does!

Ok back to the story so we arrived in Atlanta and got settled in to Stone Mountain State Park Campground.  Behind us across the water the only thing you could see was this HUGE rock sitting up in the air.  It was beary pawesome though!

We got a good night’s sleep and the next day we took the drive into downtown Atlanta.  The first person we met in Atlanta was a homeless gentleman named Scott.  He told us about what it is like to be homeless in Atlanta.  He said that even though there are some places to sleep at night and get a bath that whenever it comes to needing simple money it’s hard to come by.  Seems as though when you are homeless in that area you can find a place to bathe and sleep but if you want to do your laundry you have to pay for it at the shelter.  I, BW-C finds this practice a little unfair after all if you get a place to sleep and a place to bathe would good is it but when you get out of the bath but to put dirty clothes on?  Bearily I say to you no one really knows what being homeless is like unless they have been there.

While we were in the downtown area I had the urge to go to Hard Rock Café and see if any of my family members may be there!  You see I have this thing I’d like to go to all of the Hard Rock Café’s if possible!  I’ve also discovered that HRC is a great place to witness and share the love of Jesus at!  But anyway we get there and we are greeted by Chandra!  Boy did she and her manager ever give us the star treatment!  They even sat me on this guy name Elvis Presley’s motorcycle.  He’s supposed to be famous and I heard he had some rockin’ hips and lips!  It’s told he even sung one song about Bears!  At any bear, the manager introduced us to Patty back at the gift shop and she took us on a whirlwind tour of the café!  The Bair’s even took a picture of me and her in front of the Hard Rock Café sign!  It’s normally a reserved area but they really liked me enough to treat me like a star!  So much so that after the sign they even thought it was proper to put me in a class case after they sat me on top of a drum!  We gave out a lot of Witness bracelets there!  Hard Rock always seems like they have long term employees because someone there always seems to remember my relatives passing thru years ago!  Beary much so it’s always just great to visit my Hard Rock Café family even if I don’t meet any of my bear brothers!  I can bearly express what a good time I had at Hard Rock Café! 

We met a guy in Atlanta who touched our hearts in many ways.  He was very knowledgeable about occultism practice but ultimately he just wants to learn the real truth in love.  When the oldest male Bair explained to this gentleman that he to had experienced things of the same nature years ago the guy really opened up to Brandon.  Brandon let him know about the symbols and he explained to him the meaning of each of them.  He told him that if he was really looking for real truth in love that he could find it with a relationship with Jesus.  By the end of the conversation the guy asked specifically for a red bracelet and put it on his wrist.  He said if more people would go out and share the love of Jesus the way it was just shared to him that the world would be a better place.  We left downtown Atlanta after that knowing that our mission there was complete!

I also kept seeing a signs that said Marta.  I asked who this Marta was?  So the Bairs took me underground and let me see this Marta.  I rode down and up a group of moving stairs and rode on the railing!  By the way this bear finds it crazy that one must wait in line 15 minutes to pay to park in Atlanta.      

Oh and whoa bear it but we met a professional NFL player to from the Tennessee Titans.  We didn't get our picture with him but he got a bracelet from us!  Met him while exploring a hotel that the Sandra Bair had visited a long time ago!  You should have seen the parking lot at that hotel..................beary fancy cars!  That's also where we met a friend of Lydia Bear Witness, the "purple lady."        

Well back to Tampa as we are here in Tampa, Florida now!  Keep us in your Bear prayers for God to provide our needs as we have had some unexpected things come up! 

That’s it for now!  Have a beary blessed day!

Lots of bear hugs,

Bear Witness Cayman

PS…..Did I ramble? 

p.p. Sandra Bair

Just a picture of all of us having fun! 


This is actually a slideshow but you have to click on the picture to see the next one!